Wednesday, May 22, 2013


While we were working on the plans, I was over at the lot using the little white flags from the fireball dog fence installation (see earlier blog) to get an idea of where the new house and garage would be located on the lot. I’m pretty sure the neighbors were wondering what kind of folks we were. While doing all this planning we had kept the yard mowed, the leaves raked and the driveway plowed of snow. Yet the house was vacant and looking pretty haunted.  It suffered through a hurricane (yep, still standing) and a blizzard.

And then these little white flags appeared around the yard and I’m out there at least once a weekend with my tape measure. “Who are these people?” I’m sure they wondered.

But with the plans and the flags we were getting close. After a year of owning our expensive storage unit, we were now ready to make plans to start building. We still had the old house though.

And that’s where things got really fun…

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